Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care
Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care

2001 - Boston, MA

The Yawkey Way Outpatient Care Facility is an 11 story state-of-the-art ambulatory center with a six story, 725 car underground parking garage. The building was constructed using the Up-Down Method. As the floors below were excavated, structural concrete slabs were introduced from grade on the six below-grade levels. At the same time, structural steel was erected from grade. TREVIICOS installed 86,000 SF of reinforced concrete slurry wall and 1,110 VLF of reinforced concrete drilled shafts.
Owner Massachusetts General Hospital
General Contractor Walsh Brothers, Inc.
Consulting Engineer McNamara/Salvia Inc.
Two Soilmec drill rigs were used to install the drilled shafts. Steel columns supplied by SuperMetal were installed by TREVIICOS in the drilled shafts.

Setting the columns
1. Prior to lifting the column, the drilled shaft cage is lowered into the excavation and suspended from the top of the casing using two pieces of rebar.
2. The column is then lowered into the suspended cage to a depth approximately equivalent to the concrete embedment depth.
3. The column is precisely surveyed and located inside the cage.
4. Two pieces of angle iron (or equivalent) are attached to the drilled shaft cage and oriented parallel to the column flange. The angle iron is secured to the top horizontal bar of the cage with U-bolts.
5. The angle iron is tack welded to the flanges of the column, securing the drilled shaft cage at the correct elevation and position.
6. The column and cage are then lowered into the drilled shaft excavation and the column is set and secured on an independent frame.
Request information
38 Third Avenue, Charlestown, MA 02129 U.S.A.
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